답변 새로운 챌린지 / a new challenge!

  • 관리자
  • 작성일2021.01.19
  • 조회수89
"강에서 바다로" 챌린지는 서울에서 남쪽의 항구도시 통영까지 4개의 구간을 완주해야 합니다.
이 코스는 우리나라의 아름다운 경치와 시골 길의 정취를 보여주기 위해 만들어졌습니다.
1년 이내에 4개의 퍼머넌트를 완주하면 특별 상이 수여됩니다. 4개의 구간은 PT-72, PT-37A, PT-74, PT-34 입니다.
두번째 구간 PT-37A는 PT-75로 대체할 수 있습니다. 2021/01/01 이전의 완주 결과는 포함되지 않습니다.

In this challenge "River to Ocean", the rider needs to ride from Seoul to the southern port city of Tongyeong in 4 sections. The course is designed to show the best of what Korea has to offer to a randonneur regarding countryside and scenic beauty. A special award is given to the rider who completes the four sections within the period of one year. The four sections are PT-72, PT-37A, PT-74A, PT-34. The second section PT-37A can be replaced by PT-75. Results from before 2021/01/01 do not count.

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