답변 퍼머넌트 라이더들께 / Notice for permanent riders

  • 관리자
  • 작성일2022.06.13
  • 조회수134
퍼머넌트 라이더들께

6/24~8/25 유럽으로 휴가갑니다.퍼머넌트 리포팅은 평소처럼 진행되지만 7시간의 시차가 있음을 감안하여 답장이 늦더라도 계속 진행해 주십시오.
퍼머넌트시트를 보내실때는 반드시 일반우편으로 보내주십시오. 등기는 절대금지입니다!

완주증은 9월/10월 중으로 발송됩니다.

Jan Boonstra

Notice for permanent riders.

From June 21st to August 25th I will be on vacation in Europe. The monitoring of permanent riders will continue as usual via Kakao. But there may be delays in my responds because I will be traveling a lot and there is a time difference of 7 hours. 
During that period you can send the permanent sheets for receiving a certificate to the same address as usual, but registered mail will not be delivered. Always send mail to me by normal mail. Expect to receive the certificate during the month of September or maybe October. 

Jan Boonstra
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